Get rid of corona stress and exercise poverty

Setting up a sports cage is a very quick and easy option for schools to combat the lack of exercise among students while at the same time offering them an outlet, strengthening social contacts and getting them back in class more motivated. A considerable stimulus for the well-being and cognitive development of young people (see box). “Sports cages are always a hit in the schoolyard anyway,” says Ron Michel of supplier DutchPanna B.V. “During breaks and often after school, you see e the youngsters enjoy playing panna football or another ball sport. There is almost always a large audience watching and there is plenty of interaction and fun with the young people.” Michel also mentions a major advantage that the relatively small sports cage simply fits in the schoolyard itself. In this way, gym teachers and students do not lose time walking or cycling to a sports location. Because the round or oval cages are also very safe – you can’t get stuck in a corner – teachers don’t have to worry about it outside of gym class either.Dynamic
“We are arguing for sports cages that are not too large,” explains Michel. “In the first place because the Netherlands is already very full and there is often not much space on (school) squares. But also because the game remains very dynamic and attractive. Usually people play in pairs, four or six and then the game in a large ’empty’ cage can quickly become boring, even for the public.” “By keeping the cages relatively small (e.g. Ø 600 centimeters or 600 by 1000 centimeters) there is continuous tension in the game and this is a valuable trigger for young people to repeat the activity and to repeat it again. In addition, our robust sports cages are not only suitable for (panna) football, but also for volleyball, basketball and dodgeball, for example.”Maintenance-free
The same advantages – safe, robust, space-saving, attractive – apply to the new line of Calisthenics appliances from DutchPanna. These are also an excellent addition to squares or the schoolyard, possibly even together with a sports cage. What is extra pleasant and attractive is that neither the sports cages nor the Calisthenics equipment require maintenance.Recyclable
““We take all the work off the school’s hands and install our sports cages and equipment in a safe and professional manner, with robust materials and a beautiful finish. The materials used are also recyclable, just like our modular fall-absorbing ‘Fast Feet Grinded 3G’ sports floors, which are made from old sneakers,” says Michel. And if there is still an old cage in the schoolyard, it can be exchanged when purchasing a DutchPanna sports cage. The school does not have to worry about this either. So there are plenty of benefits and a fast and proven way to tackle the lack of exercise and corona stress among young people – possibly with the use of NPO money.
Box: Support and incentive
To help schools and especially students to stop the negative effects of corona, the cabinet has created the National Education Plan (NPO). This plan focuses on the recovery and development of education during and after corona. A total of 8.5 billion euros will be made available for this; money that schools can invest in adaptations. In the meantime, it appears that schools are partly deploying NPO money for the exercise component. This is a good development, since sports contribute significantly to the well-being of young people. If they feel good about themselves, this translates into their school performance. By installing a sports cage or equipment, schools comply with the ‘cohesive approach’ required in the NPO plan.
DutchPanna B.V. Rijsenhout 0297 – 743516 This article appeared in Straatbeeld 6/2021, theme trends.
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